Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Art of Giving

Its human to take from others, It take a little extra human effort to give to others.

It always better to give people what they want as they relish it, rather than giving what you can.

The only golden rule that i've learnt is "Ensure that the taker is worthy of the giving"

Giving = Taking

Monday, November 12, 2007

Re-Birth of the Icon : Chetak the Indian war horse

This is opposite to what I usually blog here. Since this too was a passing thought, thought it right to blog it.

Chetak : Who does not know about this Melody of the yesteryear's. Its was the style statement in its hay days which went on to become a Must have two wheeler a few years later.

Off late I've been attending far too many Social gatherings. In these gatherings, I do meet up with very many old time customers who still go GAGA with their Chetak & Chetak days.

Most of them have given up driving the chetak around for the Convenience of Automatic scooters.

In this Era of remakes & remixes , which have turned out to be great success, I now feel that it would happen to the Chetak too. I strongly feel that Chetak needs to have a rebirth, OFC in a new Avtar.
In its new Avtar, this new scooter should appeal to the Chetak Generation whilst keeping an eye on the wants of the "Today Generation".

All it takes is a 125 CC 4- Stroke , well styled, simple to use , Automatic scooter. The Styling according to me must be derived from the older Chetak with a few features added ala the old Marquee.

It should derive some small external styling leads/ inputs from the Yesteryear's Chetak in a few areas, which Reminds us about the Great Marquee Calling itself the "Chetak Automatic".

In short it should be a reminder of the old Glory days of the Chetak set in the modern era.

The Name Chetak, I am sure it would rekindle many memories & bring back the glory of the yesteryears.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Experience : a Finer Derivative


Having seen a few application which come in with a column quoting the experience in the number of years at doing some thing, thought of the same today in the morning.

Experience according to me is all about the learning one derives from every day endevors & trying to do the same quickly under similar circumstances & not repeat the same mistakes that were commited in the earlier instance.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Destiny : Who Controls it?

Well people resort to saying in depression that "Its my Bad luck or Destiny".

The question is who Determines one Destiny ?

It is said that the "Only person incharge of destiny is the Person himself".

All other who say are incharge of the persons Destiny are only acting upon the behest of this person & not the people who control it.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Copy right:

Any successful pattern or model or process or procedure which is original & novel qualifies it self to be copied.

It is in the current Indian scenario it also is a right to copy.

The reasult of a sucessful model is known when we see people replicating what ever we do in what ever modified form.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Knowledge or Experience

After my presentation on Training a Co-Trainee asked me a dicey question. He asked me

" Weather Experience is better than knowledge or the other way round?"

I also encountered a similar Question yesterday at an Automotive Contest (Where I along with my father Were invited to be a judge) & the Anchor of the Show said " They say Experience is the mother of knowledge, can you see this clearly here? "

My answer were the same in both the circumstances.

"There is no Experience with out Knowledge & No knowledge with out Experience."

They always go hand in hand.

In fact an elevated soul would realise the fact " Knowledge gives Experience & Experience gives Knowledge" They are always in Tandem & can't live with our each other.

Training : Driver to Our Destiny


A few years ago while under going a Development Program at a Corporate co, I was asked to make an impromptu Presentation on Training. The challenge posed were

1. the Preparation would be not more than 5 mins

2. The Presentation not to exceed 2 mins.

Though the ask was tough, I accepted & moved on it.

The Presentation consisted of only one slide & one word


I presented it as below

" We take train to move to various destinations for very many reasons"
"Similarly we need to Train our Selves to move from one place to another"

So Training is an Essential tool to drive us to various levels.

This very much defines the Alttitude of both our Professional Career as well as Personal Life.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Home work : The Daily Primer

Home work:

This is a topic which we have been used to from our School days.

We always had to complete our homework before going to school. Colleges were slightly different, yet the same existed in a different form.

Post college & bachelor days, it was once in a week kind where all the dirt of the room would be cleaned up.

Post marriage, it comes back with Shopping, Take loved ones on an outing, getting things done etc.

All in all Home work still remains & only the nature & intensity changes.

This is probably the very reason why the same is being taught as a Must do from the age of 3+.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sarcasm : A tool to be used ?


This many people thing is the right tool to use to achieve desirable effects /changes.

Most of the time this creates Negative energy inside the receiver & propagates a feeling to avenge the same at the first possible instance.

In short Sarcasm when used wrongly generates a TIT -FOR - TAT situation.

This could only be used when the moods are upright & has to be combined with a bit of humor.

In many circumstances, it better to to talk upright & straight instead of using Sarcasm.

Qualification: A requirement on paper

Yesterday an youngster wrote to me asking my Educational qualification, Industry experience & did we ever go abroad to pursue education or Work etc.

My reply was that we had just gained enough knowledge to qualify ourselves to hold a spanner in our hand.

According to me Educational qualification as a degree is only a tool to open the gates for a job entry.

The Qualifications required to be an entrepreneur are

1. Commitment
2. Core competence

This makes an amazing recipe to start ones own enterprise.

As ever one must be open for learning every day & there are no University paper Degrees awarded to this.

This is THE DEGREE, Which is a must to make head way in real life.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dream : To come true


It is a very essential part of life.

Unless we dream we have nothing to do...

If we just Dream, then again "we would have nothing to do too".

Dream ,Its neither wrong or bad. Just Garner all the guts & make every effort with true conviction to make it come true.

This is the thin line between Dreamers & Doers.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Assume : Wrong route


When we assume things/ events/ Incidents we just Ass-U-Me.

In short we make an Ass of you first & then ourselves next.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Error Proofing: Nice way to Prevent errors

Error Proofing:

Rule books say : "Error Proofing a method used to PRE-VENT errors."

PRE-VENT : Start venting the error out even before it even exists.

Untill Proof is provided, Errors are non existant.
By PRE-VENTing our emotions out, this Error Non existant become existant too.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Dictionary gives us very many meaning for this word.

In my opinion all religions are meant to provide the inner peace to all of us. The methods adopted might be different.

In the current days, when profession supersedes every thing else including family life, It turns out to be the religion that we follow. It our way to achieve inner peace (or inner pieces). This would be the only religion that we could follow & make our life better.

Achive god thro' our job would take our to a different platform all together.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bad People : The pull back factor

When we look into the details of events, & do a bit of Paralysis (My synonym for Analysis), Its not the people who're bad, but its the situation which makes Bad.

Its eventually what they learn from it & effect a quick Awakening to change which happens with in themselves, diffrentiate between a Good learner & some one who's not.

Eventually some day every one realises his mistakes & regrets for the circumstances which led them do it. Many hardly learners also realise that the realisation with in themselves has happened very very late.

Every good man has a bad element in him, whilst Every Bad man has a good one with in him. This is very well Depicted in Feng-shui as the Yin & Yang.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Character : The Definition

People say the Strength of a person is resident with in ones character.

This Defines the way we look at the world, immaterial of what other in the world look up to us as.

This they say is what defines a persona more clearly.

My opinion:

Char-Act-er : Char the Actor inside you, take yourself to burn out, The way we react to this would define our character.

This is a wholly based on our internal awakening, which is our strenght.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Intentions : the Road to Glory

It very important that we have the right intentions before we start some thing. If the intentions at Large are fair & helpful to many, no matter what we do it leads us to success.

If the intentions are Malicious, yes this leads to worng effects & the entire thing would collapse no matter what great approach we take.

Being helpful as a part of the end reasultleads us to glory Else it would be.....

Sprituality: Its Omni Present


In my opinion its not about meditation or any such medium to reach God.

It is just the search for inner Peace with in our selves.

In my experience, its all about putting out ones heart & soul in to what ever we do. The sense of accomplishment after doing some thing to generate the WOW effect with ourselves is SPIRITUALITY.

At that moment we find god with in us.

It just make us feel that little bit better.

Spirituality is very much present with in us always, the way gos is present every where.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Relationship: At times the Unbearable Weight

Relations ships are in simple emotional bonding happening between People/ Objects/ Place.

For any relationship to survive, Maturity in thought & personal freedom are absolute essential.

At times these relationships put us into a situation where it would be like "Riding with the Brakes on".

Its essential to get out from the situation & take a look into this relationship from the perspective of an outsider & access the situation.

Once these two can't be achived, the best option many take is to Rework the same & if the same fails, one has to drop the relationship out & move on with life.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Leech & Sponge

A few weeks ago some one wrote to me in a apologetic tone expressing his frequent queries on various things in life.

The youngster was trying to get a bit of personal info about my personal commitment to reply all possible queries shot at me.

He called himself a Leech, said was trying to suck every possible information that used to come his way.

This query transposed me to a Lecture session by Prof. Prasad at IIM-B. The specific session appraised us about the varieties of people in the Corporate /Real world. One among the Types was a Machiavellian, a typical One way traffic. Machiavellian uses others for personal gain & in the process makes others to hate him for what he does to others to get his way out.

The Immediate thought was that of a Sponge. I suggested the same to this youngster, asking him to Meta-morph himself into it.

Sponge According to me is non- emotional, yet helpful. It tends to absorb what ever fluid that moves out & hold on to the same to the end of its limits. Upon being squeezed it gives out the same fluid out.

The Sponge in our daily life epitomises Support & Comfort, with out making any noise of being around.

The Sponge effect according to me is to gather useful information, support etc. & then give out/ use the same as & when needed.

In short a Sponge is a true selfless being.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Motivation: A action of the past

Motivation is some thing from the past. The Actual avatar of real time motivation is "Internal Awakening".

Motivation has a threat. It can be always be faked. But the power of internal awakening is simply intangible. It more like the Giant Awakening.

People Don't change because some one wants them to, but change because they want to Change.

As the Awakened Giant turns sort of unstoppable, the internal Awakening too recharges the person to do what he/ She considered impossible just a few days ago.