Thursday, September 6, 2007


Copy right:

Any successful pattern or model or process or procedure which is original & novel qualifies it self to be copied.

It is in the current Indian scenario it also is a right to copy.

The reasult of a sucessful model is known when we see people replicating what ever we do in what ever modified form.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Knowledge or Experience

After my presentation on Training a Co-Trainee asked me a dicey question. He asked me

" Weather Experience is better than knowledge or the other way round?"

I also encountered a similar Question yesterday at an Automotive Contest (Where I along with my father Were invited to be a judge) & the Anchor of the Show said " They say Experience is the mother of knowledge, can you see this clearly here? "

My answer were the same in both the circumstances.

"There is no Experience with out Knowledge & No knowledge with out Experience."

They always go hand in hand.

In fact an elevated soul would realise the fact " Knowledge gives Experience & Experience gives Knowledge" They are always in Tandem & can't live with our each other.

Training : Driver to Our Destiny


A few years ago while under going a Development Program at a Corporate co, I was asked to make an impromptu Presentation on Training. The challenge posed were

1. the Preparation would be not more than 5 mins

2. The Presentation not to exceed 2 mins.

Though the ask was tough, I accepted & moved on it.

The Presentation consisted of only one slide & one word


I presented it as below

" We take train to move to various destinations for very many reasons"
"Similarly we need to Train our Selves to move from one place to another"

So Training is an Essential tool to drive us to various levels.

This very much defines the Alttitude of both our Professional Career as well as Personal Life.