Monday, July 5, 2010

Service : An expense or an investment ?

Expenses are Sprint while investments are marathons.

Expense are meant to be cut down whilst Investments need nurturing.

Most Companies will look at service as an Expense & not as an area of Investment.

Value chain

Loyal Empowered People Create :

Customer Complaint handling -> Customer Satisfaction -> Customer Delight-> Customer Benefit -> CUSTOMER MIND SPACE

Personal centric people Create:

Personal mind space -> Personal benefit -> Personal Delight -> Personal Satisfaction -> Customer Complaint Handling

Stakeholder -vs- Shareholder

Stakeholders : are the people who work & strive to get profits

Share holders : are set of people who invest only to make profits

Shareholder define the value which comes in that cost of Stakeholder's squeeze... that's the paradox

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tribal Knowledge -vs- Bookish knowledge

Tribal knowledge: It the tacit knowledge gained by doing some thing hands on. It is passed across from generation to generation implicitly. This knowledge gets embedded in the DNA. This forms the foundation or start point for all books.

Books : Are an assimilation of the same Tribal knowledge. They edited & structured explicitly in a presentable manner.

Books lack the "Tacit" behind the knowledge. To learn "Tacit Part", respect people who have tribal knowledge & be willing to work with them to get you DNA corrected.

Rigidity -vs-Firmness

Rigidity : being stiff

Firmness : being determined

Being rigid is considered to be inflexible. Being firm is staying put with the purpose. To stay put with the purpose one needs to be flexible & adaptive too, which would be missing when you become Rigid.

simpler comparison Broom stick -vs- Binding wire. Wire is firm as it can flex, it still can hold things in place, however the stick, can only clean in a cluster & is held in place by a binding wire

Intellect - Vs- Experience

Young use the former more , while the older ones use the later better.....
Eventual result, The young have to spend time & intellect to acquire experience

Eventually Intellect is required to create the Experience & Experience to nurture Intellect.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Meaning full Titles

I read a blog / site which pointed to the underlying meanings of some important words

Jahan Panah : Shelter of the world

Chattra - Pathi : Roof bearer

This triggered some thinking & I thought about this

BOSS : Bearer Of Steady Soul
Bearer Of Steady Support

Friday, June 25, 2010

Can a singer become god ?

Radio one BLR ran an opinion poll yesterday to commemorate MJ's 1st Death Anniv.

The question was "Is MJ the God of Music"

According to me Music is divine & God in itself. Artists are mere messenger for this Divine message & not GOD.

Was put live on air for this.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Education -Vs- Expereince

People when young & energetic will put their Education to task while doing a task, whislt Older people will use their Experience

Profit -Vs- Purpose

A Traditional Business man is driven by the absolute numbers in profit, However a Passionate Entreprenuer is Driven by Purpose.

"Is the purpose being supported by economies globally"... is the question whose answer would be known a few decades from now.

Studying -vs- learning

It is interesting to see that Parents tend to push children towards careers & education they persecive to be the in thing or happening one.

There seems to be too much pressure on them to study & score well in the exams for various reasons.

How ever My feel is

Educational study in call is for Exams

But the Learnings are for Life.

All education needs to focus on the applicative learning for the biggest exam "Life"